Thursday, July 22, 2004

I've just been re-adjusting bits of formatting in the template for this blog (still isn't how I want it), so if people see anything that's obviously a bit whack, please tell me.

I've also been busy becoming a link whore. Notice the strange proliferation of buttons to the left. I'm just praying that I haven't inadvertently killed off the tracker in the process (Blogger had...a moment).

And already my attempt at boosting the hits on this site is working. I've just had someone coming over from Feedster. Hang on, I didn't sign up with Feedster. And now they're denying this site exists. Maybe I won't be signing up with them for a while then.

I know just did quirky search results, there's one that wins the "whonawhatnow?" award. CBBC presenter flashes boobs. I missed this somehow [thank god this didn't happen when I was young enough to watch it. Semi-nude Andi Crane anyone?]. And I want know how Carol Smilie, David Bowie, the University of Miami and Bollywood are involved [the other results].

And in other news. I got annoyed and bored and ended up spending £30 on 5 DVDs, and there were still more I wanted to buy. Well, at least I was good and didn't even look at the CDs in the sale. I curse the name of consumerism. Though I did see a nice shirt I might buy.

And then to help with the guilt, my car wouldn't start. A Park and Ride car park is not the best place to try and find volunteers to bump-start a car [especially if you are not sure the fault can be solved by bump-starting it]. By the way, don't try to shift a car that's quite a long way over a tonne, on your own. Especially not when you're pushing uphill...and back down into the kerb it rolls. But the other option was to try and get a group of passers-by to help. Park and Ride car park: doesn't really do passers-by. And the only people around are occasional single elderly women, and single women with throngs of small children.

Eventually I went and asked the guy in the hut if I could borrow his phone [note to self: mobiles aren't necessary the spawn of satan]. He: Oh, but it only allows me to call control...[talks for a while]...oh, but you could use the other phone, I don't use it much. The other phone being a normal BT landline. Call the rescuers. No, not the AA, but nice people I know who will come and help. Ok, if they hadn't been in, then it would have been the AA.

After pushing it right round a block, we get it started [one of the helpers being 5 stone heavier than me probably had something to do with it]. Why does my car do this? [if I knew then it wouldn't]. And why isn't there some residual fitting for a crank or starting handle? The things runs, once you get it moving, and it would be easier to move bits of the engine rather than the entire car.

By the way, very hot and humid afternoons are not the time to be pushing heavy lumps of metal, especially when in a suit, and with shoes that are uncomfortable to walk in for long periods (incredibly hard solid soles).

Oh, and does anyone know where the starter motor actually is in an old Cavalier? The general consensus is that it's that, or at least the connections to it. This is because the dashboard lights come on when you turn the key, but that's all that happens. There's no noise (except mechanical part of the key). The lights don't dim as they usually do fleetingly when it starts. It's annoying, especially as I can't afford to spend ages [and a lot of money] sorting out all the little faults [not starting is a little fault? Well, when it works, the engine is a really nice, happy engine, it just has a load of tatty things round the edge that cost more to repair than the car costs. Unfortunately the not everyone sees it like that. They see rust, a leak and a multitude of erratic electrics (not on the vital stuff, just the stuff it would be nice if it worked)].

Hmm, how can I end up liking something that is actually a bloody nuisance? Oh well.


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