Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Buy one, get one free.

Except there's no buying involved.

As I've just noticed the free upgrade offer on Flickr expires on the 22nd, I'm now seeking any willing volunteers to be invited to sign up. All you have to do is email me at any[underscore]hoo[at]hotmail[dot]com, click a link and follow the very quick and simple instructions. And voici your new Flickr account, which is pretty funky [go and play]. Flickr promise no spam, as do I.

As an added "please help me get a free upgrade" incentive, I'll even bung in a gmail invite, which one needs to sign up to email. Aren't I rather stunningly generous? [please don't point out that Blogger gives invites too].

And as for my own photographs on Flickr, it shows the latest uploads first - so they were all the one-offs that I used to take up this month's upload allocation [to potential Flickrers: it's 10MB, which is quite good, if you don't add sillily big pictures, like I did]. Basically if the leaf shots aren't quite doing it for you, scroll down, and play around in the different sets.

So to anyone how reads this [it doesn't matter how or why you came here] please email me to sign up.

Ah, the glorious sound of desperation.


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