Saturday, July 09, 2005
So much for the Language Week thing. I am supposed to have done three more posts in French by now. Can we see that happening? Can I translate "I am supposed to have done"? Well then.
So what have I been up to? Ranting to all and sundry (or sunday according to my fingers) about various things; continuing the experiments with someone else's camera (I could just buy my own but that might mean I'd have to make a decision); discovering that people on Flickr don't care about the photography - all they want is nipples and navels.
Actually it's true. I stuck a picture of a bit of midriff on Flickr because I wanted something I could tag with a word beginning with X (don't ask, it's a Flickr thing, and if you insist on asking then I will explain it, but in very poor French). I came back a few days later to find that the pictures either side of it had been viewed 6 times. The nipple shot had been viewed 36 times.
Admittedly in less time 15 people looked at a scan of a receipt; I guess you never can tell. Although it's rather disparaging if one puts effort in photographs and then finds that a generic scrap of paper out does them.
Reverting to the playing with the borrowed camera (which annoying has a better zoom than mine); pictures are on Flickr and if you can help identify any of the plants or animals then I'd be a bit more than fleetingly grateful.
As I'm experimenting with implanting a badge from Flickr, I'd better not make this post too long.