Saturday, August 19, 2006

GF9 600 - 19I fear I may be too well known. I've just received a text from a friend inviting me out tonight. It appears below, with only minor Googlevexing measures.

Hey. Would you like to come out for dinner in old maiden for korean tonight? centre of korean cuisined [sic] in uk apparently. Also cheap.

Why do I get the impression that the last sentence was added especially for me?

Pity I can't go.

Little other news, mostly dictionary related. It started off in discussion with SG about the English and English (apparently I'm patriotic, which is a word I normally blench* at, on the grounds that I'm English and we're above that sort of thing), somehow got on 'bunking off' and 'cadging', which then got into the difference between G and J, followed by desperately trying to find what words have 'dj' in them. The only dj- I found which isn't a proper noun is 'djinni', meaning a spirit that can take on animal form and hold power over humans.

* Dictionary Corner fun: I'd always thought that the word meaning 'to shy away from' was 'blanch'. I discovered that's not. With an e it means that, but with an a it means the other meanings of blanch, so to whiten, bleach, pale or the process of removing skin from tomatoes (and fingers) by using boiling water. So one can both blanch and blench in the face of something.

Most pointless new word has to be 'birl/burl', which is Scots for 'a try', and used in 'give it a burl', and thus is identical to one meaning of 'whirl'. Although 'birl' is also defined as 'to cause a floating log to spin by using the feet'. Hurrah, there's actually a word for that favourite of cartoons. Does that mean that people also regularly get 'Acmed', and so have large weights and anvils descending upon them from a great height?

Close second for most pointless recently-learnt word has to be 'bergschrund', which is a crack or crevasse near the top of a glacier, formed as the glacier splits while sliding downhill (as distinct from a randkluft or rimaye, where the ice is rent from rock).

All of which I think I'll deftily slip into my new favourite snowclone "X is all bosh, isn't it?", from Brideshead, where it is asked of Modern Art, the reply being an eminently quotable "Great bosh".

But I think that is quite enough b's for the time being, especially as I'm annoyed after reading that betwixt is "Arch."


Well, this is refreshing! You have no idea how nice it is to stumble upon someone having a chat about words! All I can say is, damn it, you sound so much like me it's frightening. So I'm book marking your blog, whether you like it or not. Ha. Consider yourself stalked by a fellow word enthusiast.

I think you may be sorely disappointed; it's not a usual occurrence round here. It probably ought to be, but as it's not, so head to Language Log for much more wordiness.

Thanks for the many comments. Just off to check... actually am checking out blog. My god, a real, live, actual Newfie? Wow.
Rarity or not, it's even rarer to find "word talk" in other blogs, so it's still nice to come across. In any case, I'll be sure to stop by again.

Well, I think I have the "real," "live," and "actual" parts right, so you're spot on there. As for the "Newfie" bit, it depends on how you look at it, I suppose. A great lot of us never use the term when referring to ourselves, as it was a vulgarity placed on us by the American soldiers during World War II (think of it as the equivalent to "Limey"). Of course, those are just the names that stick.
Oh, ok. Sorry, I didn't realise it was verging on the offensive; one of my brother's previous girlfriends described herself as a 'Newfie' (but then she was a bit odd).

And isn't Limey much older?

Word talk for the day - forehead pronounced as 'forrid' and whether this is the only word in the language where the pronunciation is becoming increasingly like the spelling.

And so via 'torrid' and 'horrid' to the differences between 'horrendous', 'horrid' and 'horrible'. Supply your own answers.
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