Friday, May 16, 2008

20051115 - 14 Blame Radio 4The News Quiz, 6.30 this evening, Radio 4, or for a week thereafter on the website. It will be quite funny, although less funny than it was because there were some fairly non-BBC words in there along with a smidge of slander and some mass-ew jokes. Housepoints for the person who spots my brother's laugh, assuming both that it makes it past the edit and that the sound engineer hadn't just turned the microphones over us off thanks to the gang from Newcastle behind us (presumably Newcastle, Texas from the amount of a-whoopin' an' a-hollerin' an' a-whistlin' an' gen'ry makin' like a Springer ordi-onse).

From it I learnt things I didn't need to know, nor particularly wish to know, about Tony Blair's cum-face, a novel use for a scatter cushion, that a Toksvig relation had a bloodshot glass eye, that the people running the country didn't quite get round to working out what happens if one stops using protection, and sundry other things including that some comedians have a nervous tic. I also learnt that SDP-socialists (but only because she can't vote for the communists due to there being none left) don't tend to laugh at jokes about Chicester District Council. Nor any other jokes. Oh well. At least I'm not the one who brought her.

Anyway, think that's it. Seeing the radio is fun. So listen. As I probably shan't be doing because I'll be stuck on a dual carriageway somewhere. But that's what podcasts are for.


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