Thursday, April 29, 2010

DSC_9781 - In the Land of OrangeOoh, just remembered I can post beyond Twitter-length stuff here.

Ooh, just remembered it's not really very interesting to rehash debate things.

So basically Clegg did less well than previously, but still beats others. Best bits were:
- Cameron agreeing with the stance of a man who asked a neutral question and claimed the leaders don't listen to voters, thereby showing Cameron's assumptions about the question and the voter (I've never really got the anti-other-people thing. Populations shift. Just because we have stats suddenly it's a bad thing?).
- Brown managing to say fairly near the end "We are desperate", but my shorthand failed me so I don't have the words that followed it.
- And in the category of #epicwin*: "And this your chance, Nick Clegg, not to repeat what you've just said, but to respond" probably counts as Dimblebitchery. But it was in that context kinda true.

* One day all nouns will be hashtags. To avoid confusion the current various uses of # will be known as 'grated potato patties a la current prime minister', 'bung-tinned-food-together-and-heat-meal', 'mini portcullis key', 'and the number shall be', 'performing to the expected standard' and 'Not-Knorr'.

On which thrilling, absolutely chilling insight so long, farewell and so forth.


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