Monday, May 10, 2010
The tags used on the blogs at the Daily Telegraph as they appear on the site:
afghanistan Alistair Darling Barack Obama BBC BNP Boris Johnson china climate change Climategate Conservative Party Conservatives Copenhagen David Cameron david miliband Ed Balls eu european union general election General Election 2010 George Osborne global warming gordon brown Harriet Harman Hillary Clinton immigration Iran Islam Israel labour Liberal Democrats Lisbon Treaty Margaret Thatcher Michael Gove Morning must-reads MPs' expenses NHS Nick Clegg Peter Mandelson Pope Benedict XVI referendum The Guardian tony blair Tories twitter UKIP
And now if we sort them by whether they have grown-up letters or not:
- Alistair Darling
- Barack Obama
- Boris Johnson
- Climategate
- Conservative Party
- Conservatives
- Copenhagen
- David Cameron
- Ed Balls
- General Election 2010
- George Osborne
- Harriet Harman
- Hillary Clinton
- Iran
- Islam
- Israel
- Liberal Democrats
- Lisbon Treaty
- Margaret Thatcher
- Michael Gove
- Morning must-reads
- MPs' expenses
- Nick Clegg
- Peter Mandelson
- Pope Benedict XVI
- The Guardian
- Tories
- afghanistan
- china
- climate change
- david miliband
- eu
- european union
- general election
- global warming
- gordon brown
- immigration
- labour
- referendum
- tony blair
- twitter
In the words of the meme du jour: just saying.
Though I am surprise they couldn't find a spare capital i for immigration.
afghanistan Alistair Darling Barack Obama BBC BNP Boris Johnson china climate change Climategate Conservative Party Conservatives Copenhagen David Cameron david miliband Ed Balls eu european union general election General Election 2010 George Osborne global warming gordon brown Harriet Harman Hillary Clinton immigration Iran Islam Israel labour Liberal Democrats Lisbon Treaty Margaret Thatcher Michael Gove Morning must-reads MPs' expenses NHS Nick Clegg Peter Mandelson Pope Benedict XVI referendum The Guardian tony blair Tories twitter UKIP
And now if we sort them by whether they have grown-up letters or not:
- Alistair Darling
- Barack Obama
- Boris Johnson
- Climategate
- Conservative Party
- Conservatives
- Copenhagen
- David Cameron
- Ed Balls
- General Election 2010
- George Osborne
- Harriet Harman
- Hillary Clinton
- Iran
- Islam
- Israel
- Liberal Democrats
- Lisbon Treaty
- Margaret Thatcher
- Michael Gove
- Morning must-reads
- MPs' expenses
- Nick Clegg
- Peter Mandelson
- Pope Benedict XVI
- The Guardian
- Tories
- afghanistan
- china
- climate change
- david miliband
- eu
- european union
- general election
- global warming
- gordon brown
- immigration
- labour
- referendum
- tony blair
In the words of the meme du jour: just saying.
Though I am surprise they couldn't find a spare capital i for immigration.